Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Why Web-Tex had the Best Super Bowl Ad

The big game has come and gone and apart from the players whose names will be etched in the history of football, the only thing that remains is our memory of the always hyped advertisements that air in the downtime of the game.

As always some of the ads were better than others and some employed big name celebrities to help promote their product, from Bill Murray reliving the glorious Groundhog Day, to John Krasinski and Chris Evans donning Boston accents, and the beefy Jason Mamoa shedding down to a 98-pound body.
Some ads made us chuckle, some like Google's may have even brought a tear to the odd eye, and some made us go, "meh." Charlie Day is always hilarious, but even he couldn't make us care about a stained shirt, and its still unclear what Molly Ringwald has to do with avocados.

It may surprise you, but the big winner of the biggest ad-running campaign of the night was none other than Web-Tex Tilt Trucks.

The reason Web-Tex Tilt Trucks had the best add of the night is simple. Because they didn't have one. With a price-tag for a Super Bowl Ad being over 5.25 million dollars we decided to consider better options for our money, and you can too. For the same cost of a 30-second ad someone could purchase around 15,000 heavy-molded tilt trucks made from 100% recycled plastic, with which you could haul over 16.5 million pounds of debris. And that is some serious bang for your buck.

Call Web-Tex Til Trucks Parts & Accessories at (214) 939-0082 or visit www.tilttrucksaccessories.com today!

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